Cuisine addict's

73% increase in search conversion rate on mobile in one year


Download the Use Case of Cuisine Addict

Why did the brand Cuisine Addict choose Sensefuel?

Cuisine Addict was created in 2008 by two friends who had noticed that most equipment and supplies for restauranteurs and bakers are inaccessible to the general public, even though they like using them. Today, there are more than 10,000 professional quality culinary items which are accessible to everyone on the website.

When we met Cuisine Addict, the company was in the process of overhauling its e-commerce site. As well as a redesign of the e-commerce platform, the company also wanted to change the search engine, as the existing system lacked overall relevance. The company’s objective was to have a new platform and a rejuvenated search experience.

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*Search conversion : Visits with search(s) followed by order confirmation / Visits with search(s).

Download the Use Case of Cuisine Addict